Friday 23 November 2012

cortisol makes you fat

The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys, and consist of two parts, the inner medulla and the cortex (outer covering).
When your nervous system senses danger (physical or psychological) the adrenal glands release adrenalin and noradrenaline, the “fight or flight”, stress-response hormones, into your bloodstream — which immediately constrict your blood vessels and raise your high blood pressure.
Blood vessels in your gut are simultaneously constricted, which causes stomach muscle stress and contraction and quickly slows or stops all digestive processes. This partly explains why food is difficult to digest if you try to eat while under stress.
Today, for many people these stress-response hormones are triggered on a low-grade level all day long. Driving in heavy traffic, dealing with stressful situations at work or at home, always feeling rushed – even watching television news -all contribute to a constant state of alertness and overstimulation. But our bodies weren’t designed for constant stress; our adrenals need a period of rest after the release of stress hormones.
When our adrenals are overactive it can lead to chronic high high blood pressure, stress anxiety, mood swings, depression, destructive personality changes and other mental instabilities. When the adrenals continue in an overactive state for an extended period, they are likely to become underactive — worn down and unable to respond at all. This state of weakened adrenals may result in fatigue, insomnia, allergies and hypoglycemia.
Changes in diet and lifestyle, plus a carefully designed program of nutritional supplements can help restore the balance and health of the adrenal glands.

Cortisol and Weight Gain

Why does stress make you fat?
Simple, stress creates high levels of cortisol, and high levels of cortisol create insulin resistance. Insulin resistance makes us gain weight since the sugar and carbohydrates we eat are converted to fat rather than burned as fuel. This fat is most commonly stored around the midsection.
Not only do we need to eliminate sugar and bad carbohydrates (high-glycemic), but we must reduce our cortisol-inducing stress if we are to control our insulin resistance.
Skipping meals or undereating can also create a cortisol connection. If you diet, skip meals, restrict calories, and eat improperly, your body will perceive this as famine. The body’s reaction It secretes cortisol to help you through this famine. This contributes to premature ageing.
Every time you miss a meal, cortisol levels go up to take care of the perceived famine, and the body readjusts to survive on fewer calories. It no longer needs the same food requirements because it has learned to survive on less food in the false state of famine. When you return to normal eating you will gain weight, since your body has adjusted to eating less food. To try to lose more weight, you may eat even less. This will increase cortisol further and now you are on the merry-go-round. That is why some people hardly eat at all and they are still gaining weight.
Our bodies work like finely tuned machines. The more you understand how your body functions, the easier time you will have understanding the effects of food and stress. Everything in our bodies has to work in balance. Trying to lose weight but having hormonal imbalance is very self-defeating. You will lose some weight because you are eating properly, but until your hormones are in balance you are not going to get the desired effects.
Stress is going to have the same effect. You can eat right, you can have balanced hormones, but stress is going to blunt your hormone production, and that will lead to hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance ALWAYS leads to WEIGHT GAIN.
To keep adrenal and cortisol levels working at optimum, you must live a balanced life. You must sleep, eat right, balance your hormones, and eliminate stress.
We need to keep our lives in balance … whatever that takes.
We must find the time to calm ourselves and adequately take care of ourselves. Otherwise, the end result is that we are using up more biochemicals than we are rebuilding. This leads to hormonal imbalance, which cause us to seek comfort behaviours (overeating, carbs, alcohol, excessive exercising or not exercising at all).
Symptoms of hormone imbalance might include:
  • acne
  • bloating
  • lack of sex drive
  • drumpiness
  • decreated energy
  • forgetfulness
  • bruising
  • fatigue
  • hair loss
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • increated appetite
  • increased blood-sugar levels
  • sugar craving
  • nicotine and alcohol cravings
  • increased facial hair
  • insomnia
  • impotence
  • irritability
  • loss of lean muscle tissue
  • loss of bone mass
  • lower back problems
  • muscle weakness
  • weight gain

Adrenal burnout

Adrenal burnout is epidemic in our country. Adrenal fatigue occurs when adrenals are depleted. Often times this goes unnoticed by our healthcare practitioner. When peoplare are under enormous and prolonged stress, they will experience adrenal fatigue.
In men, high cortisol will cause a man to lose his testosterone down the road because cortisol will block testosterone from working at the cell receptor sites. A man will lose his sex drive and be 15 kgs overweight. He will frequently have high cholesterol and high triglycerides. It’s a perfect setup for a heart attack.
The brain becomes less sensitive to estrogen when there is high cortisol, resulting in hot flashesand PMS in women who had previously been in perfect hormonal balance.
Increased cortisol also occurs as a result of chronic inflammation and chronic pain. The liver has a reduced ability to detoxify, promoting leaky gut, with consequent autoimmune reactions within the body. Increased cortisol can cause ulcers in both the stomach and small intestine. Bone density can go down.
Additionally, high cortisol will supress the pituitary’s ability to release luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is essential for ovulation. So if cortisol suppresses ovulation, you’re in a state of infertility and won’t be producing any progesterone.
If left unchecked, you can quickly progress to adrenal exhaustion. At this point the adrenals are unable to respond to any stressor, and you will see low levels of cortisol and DHEA in the body.
When your adrenals are shot, all our hormones are thrown out. Nothing works right.
If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, that’s a sure sign your adrenals are burned out.
Most people who are adrenal-fatigured are usually pretty slim. The people with high cortisol are the ones who gain the weight.
Adrenal-fatigued people must have protein with each meal.
It’s mandatory that they don’t skip breakfast. If you are going to snack, then snack on low-glycemic foods like seeds and nuts. Fruit juices should be avoided because of the sugar, and if you’re going to eat high-glycemic foods, always have protein with it.

Opportunity to realign our life

Adrenal burnout is always a wake up call. Some area of life is out of alignment. For a deeper exploration of self, it is often the starting point. Rather than just existing as a programmed zombie, adrenal burnout may be the beginning of real living.
It’s time we get in touch with our purpose in life. Why are we on this planet Let that purpose guide you as opposed to anything else. Find out why it’s important for you to be here. We all need purpose. Align ourselves with that purpose.

Achieving optimal adrenal function

You cannot have optimum health if your adrenals are undernourished and a well balanced diet is essential to adrenal health.
Potassium is very important to the adrenal glands. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of potassium. Try to include more of the following in your diet: carrots, corn, avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, lima beans, spinach, apples, apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, plums, strawberries and sea vegetables (arame, bladder wrack, dulse, hijiki, kelp, kombu, nori, sea palm and wakame).
Sea vegetables are such a good source of many minerals that I advise adding them to your diet right away. They can be chopped in the food processor or blender and sprinkled over food, or added to soup after it is cooked.
Chicken and fish are also good sources. If you can add enough of these foods to your diet you may not need a potassium supplement, other than a good multivitamin/mineral tablet. Keeping your salt intake low will also help avoid potassium deficiency.
Pantothenic acid is also extremely important for the adrenals. It is in whole grains, lentils, beans, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, salmon, liver, tomatoes and peanuts. If you do not eat some of these foods daily, you should take a B complex tablet with at least 50mg of pantothenic acid in it. Take 4,000mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids daily and 200 I.U.’s vitamin E daily. If you have a high score, take an extra pantothenic acid supplement for three to four months, for a total of 500mg daily.
Other nutrients essential to healthy adrenals are: Essential Fatty Acids, amino acids, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C and the minerals chromium, zinc, selenium, magnesium and manganese.
Some of the most notable herbs utilized for adrenal support are licorice, ginseng, and astragalus.
The herb licorice root increased the half-time of cortisol. Licorice is also an antiviral and great for respiratory infections in those who have adrenal fatigue.
Astragalus has long been used in Chinese medicine as a tonic. Research has demonstrated its value in enhancing immunity through multiple mechanisms.
Ginsengs are commonly prescribed to increase energy and support adrenal function. Research has demonstrated improved functioning under stress as well as increased working capacity following ginseng use. For women, Siberian ginseng appears to be the most appropriate of the ginsengs, as from a Chinese medicine perspective, it is more cooling (less likely to induce hot flashes) and can be used on a regular basis.
Borage leaf also provides specific support to the adrenal cortex and can be used daily to support adrenal health.
Excellent are green foods like kelp, barley grass powder and various colored vegetables.
Drink high quality water, not from the tap. Distilled or spring waters are best. Good quality water is an excellent investment in yourself.
Laughter is important as a de-stressor. Take vacations.
Rest. Go to bed early. Plan on nine hours of sleep for at least a few years. At times, more may be needed. Sleep is not a waste of time. There is no substitute for adequate rest.
Gentle walking is beneficial. Vigorous exertion depletes the adrenals. Deep breathing, meditation, stretching, yoga or tai chi do not deplete the body. Exercise to relax rather than to build muscles. You shouldn’t feel worse the next day.

Hormone replacement

The hormone pregnenolone, which is produced in the adrenals and the brain, is the precursor to all the adrenal hormones, and also improve memory. DHEA helps with third-degree adrenal fatigure. Lastly, bioidentical progesterone strengthens the adrenals.

A self test to check adrenal health

You will need a blood pressure monitor.
  1. Lie down and rest for five minutes.
  2. After five minutes, take your blood pressure (while lying down).
  3. Next, stand up and immediately take another reading.
If your blood pressure is lower after you stand up, your adrenals may be functioning poorly.

Adrenal fatigure quiz

A higher score on the quiz below suggests a greater degree of adrenal fatigue.
  • I often feel dizzy, faint, like I haven’t woken up, or like I’m in a dream.
    After getting up from lying position or after bending down, I often feel lightheaded or dizzy.
  • I have dark circles under my eyes.
  • My nails are brittle and weak, my hair is dry and thinning, and/or my skin seems to be aging quickly.
  • I feel tired, run down, drained, or emotionally or physically exhausted much of the time.
  • I catch colds or other infections (cold sores, yeast or bladder infections, eye infections, boils, sinus infections) easily.
  • I’m gaining weight around my middle.
  • I have strong cravings for sweet or salty foods.
  • I feel overwhelmed or stressed by work, family, and other responsibilities.
  • I’m often irritable, impatient, or pessimistic.
  • I often have trouble waking in the morning, even though you went to bed at a reasonable hour.
  • I often feel tired after exercise, rather than energized.
  • I have developed allergies, asthma, hayfever, skin rashes (hives, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne), arthritis, autoimmune disease, or other inflammatory conditions and/or I’ve taken anti-inflammatories or steroid drugs.
  • My body temperature seems off balance (my hands and feet are cold, your face feels warm even though I’m not sick, or I get hot flushes.
  • I drink more than one 8 oz. cup of coffee, caffeinated soft drink and cola, or other caffeinated beverage every day.
  • In my free time, I’m often too tired to do anything that involves going out of the house.

Adrenal test kits

Are you suffering from a hormone imbalance Take the Hormone Imbalance Quiz to see if your symptoms may be a result of hormonal imbalance. You can use symptoms to determine which hormones to test in saliva.

Where to get your saliva hormone testing kit

Individuals will often order a saliva assay to establish a baseline before embarking on hormone supplements. More frequently, however, a saliva assay is ordered to pinpoint the cause of a problem.
While saliva kits can be ordered direct, we encourage individuals to work with their doctors. A growing number of doctors are gaining experience with analysis of saliva results, but to many, it is still a new science.
Cortisol hormone collection will require 1 to 4 specimens over the course of one (1) day, usually collected at 0600, 1200, 1800 and 2200 hours.
Click HERE to find a testing facility near you.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

kurang hormon punca obesiti

“Kenapa saya makan hanya sedikit namun berat badan mudah naik?” Tanya Puan Tina. Puan Tina merasa kecewa kerana setelah pelabagai cara dilakukan tubuhnya sukar kurus. Lemak pada tubuh sukar dihilangkan. Saya memeriksa  beliau dan menemui tanda tanda kerosakan hormone yang ketara.

Muka Puan Tina bulat dengan lemak berkumpul pada dagu dan pipi. Ini membuatkan bentuk muka nya  tampak montel .Muka juga kelihatan bengkak seolah-olah kembang. Bentuk wajah ini dinamakan sebagai “Moon face” dalam bahasa perubatan. Pada belakangnya terdapat ketulan lemak yang tebal kelihatan seperti bonggol di namakan “Buffalo hump” dalam bahasa perubatan. Ciri-ciri ini pada umumnya di namakan cushinoid .

Puan Tina juga mengumpul lemak pada belakang tubuhnya iaitu pada bawah tulang selangka. Ini menyebabkan tubuhnya  kelihatan lebar dari belakang seolah olah tubuh lelaki pula. Dia mengakui  kasut nya semakin besar sejak mengidap obesity dan  bertanya saya mengapakah hal ini terjadi. Adakah kaki kita boleh semakin besar? Sebenarnya kaki membesar  kerana bengkak dan hal ini di namakan  myexedema Begitu juga muka yang bengkak akibat myexedema.

Penyakit obesity merupakan penyakit moden yang merupakan satu misteri bagi pengidapnya. Ia datang dengan tidak semena-mena dan tanpa kita sedari tubuh sudah berat dan berlemak dan kita seolah-olah terkapai-kapai mencari jalan penyelesaiannya.

Tiada siapa yang mahu dirinya menjadi gemuk dan tiada siapa pun dilahirka gemuk atau ditakdirkan untuk kekal gemuk selama-lamanya.

Maka masalah obesity dijadikan suatu perniagaan yang bertindak semata-mata meraih keuntungan tanpa kesan yang memuaskan. Pengidap obesity disalahkan jika gagal mendapat kesan kurus yang diinginkan. Kajian menunjukkan 90 peratus individu yang berdiet dengan mengamalkan pengambilan kalori rendah dan menurunkan berat badan mereka akhirnya kembali ke berat asal dan menjadi obese semula selepas dua tahun. Ini merupakan sesuatu yang merugikan apatah lagi jika mereka menghabiskan sejumlah wang yang banyak di pusat-pusat pelangsingan bagi mencapai impian menjadi kurus.

Tribunal pengguna pula menegaskan kerugian yang di alami pengguna pula adalah berjuta juta ringgit saban tahun akibat melanggan pusat pelangsingan yang menaburkan janji-janji yang indah khabar dari rupa ini.

Kita sebenarnya terdesak untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian.Kita telah mencuba pelbagai cara seperti mengurangkan makan, bersenam, mengikat perut dan melatih diri kita membenci makanan namun kita gagal. Maka kita jadi terdesak dan perlu meminta bantuan mereka yang menaburkan janji-janji bahawa kita pasti kurus setelah membuat pelaburan.

Memang benar kita terdesak dan memerlukan bantuan namun kita harus faham fakta-fakta ini barulah kita mampu membantu diri kita untuk kurus semula.

Fakta 1

Proses pemecahan lemak ialah suatu proses biokimia. Ia memerlukan hormone, enzim dan aktiviti yang membolehkan lemak bergerak di dalam systemnya. Jika anda mempunyai masalah obesity yang kronik dan tidak berganjak berat badan meskipun sudah diet bertahun-tahun maka pemeriksaan darah bagi melihat kehadiran hormon-hormon ini adalah penting.

Fakta 2

Terdapat enam hormone yang terpenting bagi fungsi metabolik tubuh iaitu insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, cortisol and epinephrine. Hormon-hormon inilah yang bertanggngjawab bagi memastikan makanan yang kita makan akan digunakan sebagai tenaga atau bertukar kepada otot atau pun lemak tubuh. Tidak dinafikan hormon merupakan satu faktor yang menyebabkan obesity. Hormon leptin, insulin, hormon sex dan GH mempunyai kesan ke atas selera makan, kadar metabolik dan jumlah lemak dalam badan dan bagaimana lemak itu diagihkan ke tubuh kita. Mereka yang obese mempunyai masalah di mana jumlah hormon yang mereka miliki menyebabkan lemak tidak mampu dihancurkan sebaliknya sel-sel lemak mereka makin berkembang kerana tidak ada faktor darah yang mencukupi bagi membolehkan metabolism lemak berlaku dengan efektif.

Ghrelin, yang di temui lima tahun dulu dikeluarkan dari perut. Lebih tinggi kehadiran ghrelin dalam tubuh seseorang lebih sukar seseorang itu mengekang tabiat makan. Ia meningkatkan rasa lapar dan merangsang selera makan.

Leptin, hormone yang di keluarkan oleh sel lemak pula sebaliknya. Ia ialah signal keperluan metabolik. Leptin yang rendah pula menyebabkan kita rasa mahu makan lebih banyak.

Fakta 3

Pada otak kita mempunyai hypotalamus dan kalenjar pituitary merupakan pusat yang megawal fungsi hormon. Ia bekerja seperti sebuah thermostat atau suis yang mengawal rasa lapar dan kenyang serta kadar pembakaran lemak tubuh kita. Ia juga megawal berat badan dan cuba mengekalkan berat yang tinggi bagi tubuh seseorang.

Ia megawal ratio di antara hormone hormone yang saling berinteraksi dalam darah kita. Ratio antara insulin dan glucagon merupakan perkara asas yang terpenting yang perlu di betulkan bagi menjadikan seseorang itu kurus atau gemuk.

Hormon ini di keluarkan oleh sel sel yang berada di pancreas .Selepas kita makan karbohidrat atau gula, maka insulin akan dirembeskan dari pancreas. Jika kandungan gula tinggi maka insulin yang terhasil juga tinggi. Insulin yang tinggi merangsang penukaran gula kepada lemak. Insulin yang rendah membolehkan gula masuk ke sel otot dan di gunakan bagi pembinaan otot serta bertukar kepada tenaga.

Apabila gula rendah maka glucagon pula di rembeskan dan ia menukarkan lemak kepada gula. Maka jelaslah kepada kita bukan makanan itu yag menjadikan kita gemuk tetapi kadar penghasilan insulin dan glukagon yang menjadikan kita gemuk.

Fakta 4

Sekirannya kita berjaya meningkatkan glukagon dan hormon-hormon yang disebutkan tadi,  maka kadar metabolism akan naik. Namun sekirannya kita gagal besar kemungkinan kalenjar hormon kita sudah rosak. Kalenjar ini perlu di perbaiki dengan kaedah spesifik dan bukannya dengan cara menahan lapar semata-mata. Kaedah yang betul ialah meningkatkan aktiviti senaman kerana otot yang aktif akan menjadikan metabolism lebih baik. Kualiti pemakanan juga harus dijaga di mana kualiti protin perlu ditingkatkan dan karbohidrat dihentikan .

Fakta 5

Rawatan pelangsingan yang berjaya akan menjadikan kita sihat cergas dan tampak lebih muda dan cantik kerana ia meningkatkan fungsi enzim, menjana tanaga, membetulakn corak pemakanan kita serta menjadikan sel tubuh kita lebih aktif.

Rawatan pelangsinagan tidak seharusnya memudaratkan dengan kesan cirit biritt dan menuntut kita berdiet sehingga lemah dan lesu tubuh kita jadinya. Ubat yang mempunyai kesan berdebar-debar pada jantung tidak harus digunakan kerana besar kemungjkinan ia memudaratkan jantung.

Setelah memahami fakta-fakta ini anda boleh membuat pilihan yang tepat dan fokus dalam usaha menrunkan berat badan.

Thursday 1 November 2012

produk marissa tingkatkan fungsi hormon

Sejak 1990, Dr Daniel Rudman membuktikan bahwa fungsi tubuh dapat dimudakan kembali 10-20 tahun dengan pemberian Human Growth Hormon (HGH)
Pada perkembangan selanjutnya muncul kelompok dokter "ANTIAGING MEDICINE" yang bertujuan mempelajari dan melakukan segala upaya pencegahan maupun pengobatan pada manusia supaya tetap sehat, tetap muda dan produktif selama mungkin dalam hidupnya Banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan guna mendapatkan hidup yang SIHAT, kembali KUAT, tidur Nyenyak, tetapi bangun dalam keadaan sangat SEGAR, seperti kita berusia 30 tahun. Selain itu pemeriksaan fisik maupun laboratorium akan mendukung bahwa kita memang memiliki profil pemeriksaan lab yang sesuai dengan usia 10-20 tahun lebih muda daripada usia sekarang.
Menggunakan atau mencoba-coba foodsuplement dsb mungkin bermanfaat atau mungkin hanya membuang-buang waktu dan biaya anda, mengapa tidak anda serahkan saja pada ahlinya; dokter yang memperdalam Perubatan Anti-Aging, karena bidang ini merupakan suatu bidang yang relatif baru dan belum banyak dokter yang mendalami secara serius.

about stress hormones

The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys, and consist of two parts, the inner medulla and the cortex (outer covering).
When your nervous system senses danger (physical or psychological) the adrenal glands release adrenalin and noradrenaline, the “fight or flight”, stress-response hormones, into your bloodstream — which immediately constrict your blood vessels and raise your high blood pressure.
Blood vessels in your gut are simultaneously constricted, which causes stomach muscle stress and contraction and quickly slows or stops all digestive processes. This partly explains why food is difficult to digest if you try to eat while under stress.
Today, for many people these stress-response hormones are triggered on a low-grade level all day long. Driving in heavy traffic, dealing with stressful situations at work or at home, always feeling rushed – even watching television news -all contribute to a constant state of alertness and overstimulation. But our bodies weren’t designed for constant stress; our adrenals need a period of rest after the release of stress hormones.
When our adrenals are overactive it can lead to chronic high high blood pressure, stress anxiety, mood swings, depression, destructive personality changes and other mental instabilities. When the adrenals continue in an overactive state for an extended period, they are likely to become underactive — worn down and unable to respond at all. This state of weakened adrenals may result in fatigue, insomnia, allergies and hypoglycemia.
Changes in diet and lifestyle, plus a carefully designed program of nutritional supplements can help restore the balance and health of the adrenal glands.

Cortisol and Weight Gain

Why does stress make you fat?
Simple, stress creates high levels of cortisol, and high levels of cortisol create insulin resistance. Insulin resistance makes us gain weight since the sugar and carbohydrates we eat are converted to fat rather than burned as fuel. This fat is most commonly stored around the midsection.
Not only do we need to eliminate sugar and bad carbohydrates (high-glycemic), but we must reduce our cortisol-inducing stress if we are to control our insulin resistance.
Skipping meals or undereating can also create a cortisol connection. If you diet, skip meals, restrict calories, and eat improperly, your body will perceive this as famine. The body’s reaction It secretes cortisol to help you through this famine. This contributes to premature ageing.
Every time you miss a meal, cortisol levels go up to take care of the perceived famine, and the body readjusts to survive on fewer calories. It no longer needs the same food requirements because it has learned to survive on less food in the false state of famine. When you return to normal eating you will gain weight, since your body has adjusted to eating less food. To try to lose more weight, you may eat even less. This will increase cortisol further and now you are on the merry-go-round. That is why some people hardly eat at all and they are still gaining weight.
Our bodies work like finely tuned machines. The more you understand how your body functions, the easier time you will have understanding the effects of food and stress. Everything in our bodies has to work in balance. Trying to lose weight but having hormonal imbalance is very self-defeating. You will lose some weight because you are eating properly, but until your hormones are in balance you are not going to get the desired effects.
Stress is going to have the same effect. You can eat right, you can have balanced hormones, but stress is going to blunt your hormone production, and that will lead to hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance ALWAYS leads to WEIGHT GAIN.
To keep adrenal and cortisol levels working at optimum, you must live a balanced life. You must sleep, eat right, balance your hormones, and eliminate stress.
We need to keep our lives in balance … whatever that takes.
We must find the time to calm ourselves and adequately take care of ourselves. Otherwise, the end result is that we are using up more biochemicals than we are rebuilding. This leads to hormonal imbalance, which cause us to seek comfort behaviours (overeating, carbs, alcohol, excessive exercising or not exercising at all).
Symptoms of hormone imbalance might include:
  • acne
  • bloating
  • lack of sex drive
  • drumpiness
  • decreated energy
  • forgetfulness
  • bruising
  • fatigue
  • hair loss
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • increated appetite
  • increased blood-sugar levels
  • sugar craving
  • nicotine and alcohol cravings
  • increased facial hair
  • insomnia
  • impotence
  • irritability
  • loss of lean muscle tissue
  • loss of bone mass
  • lower back problems
  • muscle weakness
  • weight gain

Adrenal burnout

Adrenal burnout is epidemic in our country. Adrenal fatigue occurs when adrenals are depleted. Often times this goes unnoticed by our healthcare practitioner. When peoplare are under enormous and prolonged stress, they will experience adrenal fatigue.
In men, high cortisol will cause a man to lose his testosterone down the road because cortisol will block testosterone from working at the cell receptor sites. A man will lose his sex drive and be 15 kgs overweight. He will frequently have high cholesterol and high triglycerides. It’s a perfect setup for a heart attack.
The brain becomes less sensitive to estrogen when there is high cortisol, resulting in hot flashesand PMS in women who had previously been in perfect hormonal balance.
Increased cortisol also occurs as a result of chronic inflammation and chronic pain. The liver has a reduced ability to detoxify, promoting leaky gut, with consequent autoimmune reactions within the body. Increased cortisol can cause ulcers in both the stomach and small intestine. Bone density can go down.
Additionally, high cortisol will supress the pituitary’s ability to release luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is essential for ovulation. So if cortisol suppresses ovulation, you’re in a state of infertility and won’t be producing any progesterone.
If left unchecked, you can quickly progress to adrenal exhaustion. At this point the adrenals are unable to respond to any stressor, and you will see low levels of cortisol and DHEA in the body.
When your adrenals are shot, all our hormones are thrown out. Nothing works right.
If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, that’s a sure sign your adrenals are burned out.
Most people who are adrenal-fatigured are usually pretty slim. The people with high cortisol are the ones who gain the weight.
Adrenal-fatigued people must have protein with each meal.
It’s mandatory that they don’t skip breakfast. If you are going to snack, then snack on low-glycemic foods like seeds and nuts. Fruit juices should be avoided because of the sugar, and if you’re going to eat high-glycemic foods, always have protein with it.

Opportunity to realign our life

Adrenal burnout is always a wake up call. Some area of life is out of alignment. For a deeper exploration of self, it is often the starting point. Rather than just existing as a programmed zombie, adrenal burnout may be the beginning of real living.
It’s time we get in touch with our purpose in life. Why are we on this planet Let that purpose guide you as opposed to anything else. Find out why it’s important for you to be here. We all need purpose. Align ourselves with that purpose.

Achieving optimal adrenal function

You cannot have optimum health if your adrenals are undernourished and a well balanced diet is essential to adrenal health.
Potassium is very important to the adrenal glands. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of potassium. Try to include more of the following in your diet: carrots, corn, avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, lima beans, spinach, apples, apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, plums, strawberries and sea vegetables (arame, bladder wrack, dulse, hijiki, kelp, kombu, nori, sea palm and wakame).
Sea vegetables are such a good source of many minerals that I advise adding them to your diet right away. They can be chopped in the food processor or blender and sprinkled over food, or added to soup after it is cooked.
Chicken and fish are also good sources. If you can add enough of these foods to your diet you may not need a potassium supplement, other than a good multivitamin/mineral tablet. Keeping your salt intake low will also help avoid potassium deficiency.
Pantothenic acid is also extremely important for the adrenals. It is in whole grains, lentils, beans, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, salmon, liver, tomatoes and peanuts. If you do not eat some of these foods daily, you should take a B complex tablet with at least 50mg of pantothenic acid in it. Take 4,000mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids daily and 200 I.U.’s vitamin E daily. If you have a high score, take an extra pantothenic acid supplement for three to four months, for a total of 500mg daily.
Other nutrients essential to healthy adrenals are: Essential Fatty Acids, amino acids, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C and the minerals chromium, zinc, selenium, magnesium and manganese.
Some of the most notable herbs utilized for adrenal support are licorice, ginseng, and astragalus.
The herb licorice root increased the half-time of cortisol. Licorice is also an antiviral and great for respiratory infections in those who have adrenal fatigue.
Astragalus has long been used in Chinese medicine as a tonic. Research has demonstrated its value in enhancing immunity through multiple mechanisms.
Ginsengs are commonly prescribed to increase energy and support adrenal function. Research has demonstrated improved functioning under stress as well as increased working capacity following ginseng use. For women, Siberian ginseng appears to be the most appropriate of the ginsengs, as from a Chinese medicine perspective, it is more cooling (less likely to induce hot flashes) and can be used on a regular basis.
Borage leaf also provides specific support to the adrenal cortex and can be used daily to support adrenal health.
Excellent are green foods like kelp, barley grass powder and various colored vegetables.
Drink high quality water, not from the tap. Distilled or spring waters are best. Good quality water is an excellent investment in yourself.
Laughter is important as a de-stressor. Take vacations.
Rest. Go to bed early. Plan on nine hours of sleep for at least a few years. At times, more may be needed. Sleep is not a waste of time. There is no substitute for adequate rest.
Gentle walking is beneficial. Vigorous exertion depletes the adrenals. Deep breathing, meditation, stretching, yoga or tai chi do not deplete the body. Exercise to relax rather than to build muscles. You shouldn’t feel worse the next day.

Hormone replacement

The hormone pregnenolone, which is produced in the adrenals and the brain, is the precursor to all the adrenal hormones, and also improve memory. DHEA helps with third-degree adrenal fatigure. Lastly, bioidentical progesterone strengthens the adrenals.

A self test to check adrenal health

You will need a blood pressure monitor.
  1. Lie down and rest for five minutes.
  2. After five minutes, take your blood pressure (while lying down).
  3. Next, stand up and immediately take another reading.
If your blood pressure is lower after you stand up, your adrenals may be functioning poorly.

Adrenal fatigure quiz

A higher score on the quiz below suggests a greater degree of adrenal fatigue.
  • I often feel dizzy, faint, like I haven’t woken up, or like I’m in a dream.
    After getting up from lying position or after bending down, I often feel lightheaded or dizzy.
  • I have dark circles under my eyes.
  • My nails are brittle and weak, my hair is dry and thinning, and/or my skin seems to be aging quickly.
  • I feel tired, run down, drained, or emotionally or physically exhausted much of the time.
  • I catch colds or other infections (cold sores, yeast or bladder infections, eye infections, boils, sinus infections) easily.
  • I’m gaining weight around my middle.
  • I have strong cravings for sweet or salty foods.
  • I feel overwhelmed or stressed by work, family, and other responsibilities.
  • I’m often irritable, impatient, or pessimistic.
  • I often have trouble waking in the morning, even though you went to bed at a reasonable hour.
  • I often feel tired after exercise, rather than energized.
  • I have developed allergies, asthma, hayfever, skin rashes (hives, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne), arthritis, autoimmune disease, or other inflammatory conditions and/or I’ve taken anti-inflammatories or steroid drugs.
  • My body temperature seems off balance (my hands and feet are cold, your face feels warm even though I’m not sick, or I get hot flushes.
  • I drink more than one 8 oz. cup of coffee, caffeinated soft drink and cola, or other caffeinated beverage every day.
  • In my free time, I’m often too tired to do anything that involves going out of the house.

Adrenal test kits

Are you suffering from a hormone imbalance Take the Hormone Imbalance Quiz to see if your symptoms may be a result of hormonal imbalance. You can use symptoms to determine which hormones to test in saliva.
Female Quiz
Male Quiz

Where to get your saliva hormone testing kit

Individuals will often order a saliva assay to establish a baseline before embarking on hormone supplements. More frequently, however, a saliva assay is ordered to pinpoint the cause of a problem.
While saliva kits can be ordered direct, we encourage individuals to work with their doctors. A growing number of doctors are gaining experience with analysis of saliva results, but to many, it is still a new science.
Cortisol hormone collection will require 1 to 4 specimens over the course of one (1) day, usually collected at 0600, 1200, 1800 and 2200 hours.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

penyakit dahulu dan sekarang....apa bezanya

Pada satu masa dahulu penyakit berjangkit seperti leprosy ,tuberculosis .dan black fever sangat di takuti.Kuman kuman pada udara masuk ke tubuh ma nusia dan memusnahkan system tubuh dan organ.Kesan kepada kemusnahan organ akhirnya mengundang kematian .Pada zaman itu apabila wabak menjelma . seluruh negara merasa bahana nya.Serangan wabak ini bagaikan bom nuclear yang mampu memusnahkan selkuruh kehidupan sesiapa saja dalam sekelit mata dan mereka yang mengidapnya mati dalam azab yang mengerikan.
Lalu kita mula mencipta vaksin dan ubat ubatan yang mampu melwana dan mematian uman,Sebahagian uman purba yang di geruni sudah pupus  dan kita bioleh menarik nafas lega kerana perjuangan kita sudah mencapai matlamatnya.
Antara kuman bahaya yang Berjaya di kalahlkan ia;lah viris small pox atau cacar .Leprosy atau penyakit kusta yang mencacatkan anggota tubuh juga Berjaya di kalahkan dengan pusat pusat pengumpulan pesakit kusta yang didirikan.
Namun kita mula di serang penyakit kronik era baru yang turut membunh manusia sepertu kencing mabis /sakit jantung obesity serta gout osteoporosis.kesan penyakit ini juga tidak kurang hebat penangan nya.Ia membunuh berjuta juta orang .Kita kehilangan ahli keliuarga dan orang tersayang di sebabkan penyakit era baru ini .dan rtak kurang ranai dari kita yang mengidaopnta.
Tahulah kita penyakit ini bukan penyakit ringan yang boleh di sembuhkan dengan penga,mbilan ubat ubatan semata mata.
Ia tidak boleh sembuh kerana penyebab nya ialaha kerosakan dalam  darah kita dan kerosakan itu perlu di betulkan segera. Imuniti di hasilkan pleh system imuniti tubuh kita.Sistem ini merupakan satu system komp-lex yang terdiri dari sel sel yang di namakan organ lymphoid.
Tugas organ lymphoid ialah mengeluarkan sel sel imuniti kita.Sel sel imuniti dalam darah kita  bertugas   sebagai penjaga yang mengesan kuman kuman.Kuman yang menyerang akan di bunuh oleh sel sel imuniti kita.Sel sel imuniti seperti ini di namakan sel darah putih.Di dalam darah kita ada beberapa jenis sel darah putih yang penting untuk kita.nama nama sel itu ialah limfosit,monosit,neutrofil,basofil dan beberapa lagi .Fungsi sel sel ini seolah olah pegawai polis yang menangkap penjenayah.
Satu lagi organ lymphoid pula bertugas menghasilkan anti bodi.Antibody merupakan protein yang menentang antigen.Antigen ialah protein yang di hasilkan oleh kuman.KUman mempunyai Dna dan Rna yang tersendiri. Kehadiran dna dan rna seperti ini boleh menyebabkan kerosakan kepada tubuh   kita .Dengan asanya system imuniti yang cergas  kerosakan tidak akan berlaku.
Seseorang yang mempunyai system imuniti yang baik mudah sembuh dari serangan kuman dan penyakit lain juga.Tubuhnya kuat mementang penyakit lalu dia mendapat kesembuhan yang cepat.Sebalik nya jika system  imuniti    seseorang itu kurang kuat maka seseorang itu akan kerap mendapat demam dan akan lambat sembuh dari sebarang penyakit nya.
Apabila kita meningkat usia,system imuniti juga turut merosot. Ini membuatkan orang orang yang lebih tua mudah mendapat pelbagai penyakit dan mengalami kemerosotan system tubuh.
Bagi memastikan kekebalan system imuniti kita boleh mengamalkan pengambilan makanan yang sesuai bagi pembinaan salur darah baru seperti omega three dan juga mengambil makanan beranti oksida tinggi,Saya suka mengesyorkan gluthathione yang merupakan anti oksidan yang baik.Selain itu pengambilan buah buahan amat mustahak bagi meningkatkan vitamin dalam darah.
Me njadi tua merupakan satu realiti. Ini ialah hukum alam.Tiada apa yang kekal abadi di dunia ini .Tiada siapa yang terkecuali.. Penuaan adalah satu proses yang melibat kan Mental , fizikal dan emosi. Apabila seseorang itu menjadi tua , dia mengalami masalah menjadi pelupa , badan nya menjadi  lemah dan senang mengalami kemurungan. Tersebut adalah satu contoh yang sedikit berbanding pelbagai perubahan yang sebenarnya berlaku kepada badan manusia apabila dia menjadi tua .
Justeru itu pengetahuan dan asas ilmu anti penuaan harus di ketahui dan di pelajari agar kita dapat membendung gejala gejala akibat penuaan Jika kita tahu sebab tua maka kita boleh menjaga diri kita agar sentiasa muda. Sel sel tubuh kita sentiasa perlu di ganti baru bagi memblehkan nya kekal muda,Proses ini lah yang di namakan proses  replikasi sel ataupun mitosis.Sel lama akan merosot dan mati dan tempatnya di gantikan oleh sel baru.Hal ini menyebabkan sel kulit,sel saraf,sel otot dan semua sel dalam tubuh boleh sentiasa dalam keadaan optimum dan muda.Apabila prosesI ni gagal berlaku maka kita akan menjadi tua.
Kita boleh melambatkan penuaan dengan membaik pulih system hormone kita,mengamalkan pemakanan berlandaskan prinsip anti penuaan .kesan nya dapat di lihat dengan segera dan ianya amat menkajubkan..


mahani ialah seorang wanita berusia empat puluh lima tahun yang aktif.dia bertugas sebagai seorang pegawai bank.sebagai ibu dan juga wanita bekerja,setiap hari mahani di bebani tugas yang berat.pagi pagi dia menyiapkan sarapan anak anak yang mahu ke sekolah.meskipun anak anak sudah di sekolah menengah,mahani merasa beliau masih perlu menyiapkan makan minum mereka.ternyata mahani ialah seorang ibu yang penuh dengan sifat kasih sayang.
selepas menyediakan sarapan mahani akan bergegas ke tempat kerja.pulang dari tempat kerja beliau akan ke ke kedai membeli keperluan dapur dan menguruskan hal hal lain sebelum pulang ke rumah dan menyediakan makan malam.Mahani bersyukur di kurniakan suami yang baik dan seorang pembantu rumah yang taat setia.
sejak akhir akhir ini,mahani berasa risau keranamenjadi mudah lupa.Apabila ke pasaraya,dia terlupa beberapa barang yang perlu di belinya.ini menyebabkan dia terpaksa berpatah balik ke kedai beberapa kali.oleh kerana sifat lupa ini menjadi semakin serius maka mahanai terpaksa menulis kesemua jenis barang yang perlu di beli dalam satu senarai.
dia merasa hairan dengan dirinya sendiri.dulu ingatan nya kuat.dia mampu mengingat kesemua jenis barang keperluan meskipun tidak di tulis.kini,dia tidak mamppu melakukan nya.pernah dia meletak kunci kereta dan terlupa tempat letak nya.perkara ini sering terjadi menyebabkan dia pernah kelewatan ke tempat kerja gara gara mencari kunci yang di letakkan di atas televisyen.
dia juga sering naik ke tingkat atas rumahnya mencari sesuatu dan gagal mengingati apa yang di cari apabila sampai ke atas.
kini dia sering tersasul di tempat kerja juga.dia sering tersalah menekan key pada komputer menjadikan kerja nya semakin lambat    kerana terpakasa menekan beberapa kali.
mahani bimbang kalau kalau semnakin hari dia akan semakin lupa dan mahu meninbgkatkan daya ingatan nya.
dia bertemu saya kerana inginkan penjelasan dan bantuan bagi masalahnya itu,
setelah mengadakan perbincangan  dan ujian  darah saya mencadangkan penambahan hormon iaitu pregnenolone.

Pregnenolone  ialah hormon manusia yang bersifat steroid .ia merupakan hormon yang terlibat secara langsung dalam penghasilan hormon steroid lain seperti hormon sex (progesterone,estrogen,testosterone),mineralokortikoids,glukokortikoids,androgens dan estrogens ,kebolehan nya bertukar menjadi hormon lain membuatnya mendapat jolokan prohormon.pregnenolone sulfate ialah anatgonis kepada GABA
Dan ia meningkat kan neurogenesis pada hipocampus otak kita.di bawah arahan hormon dari kalnjar pituitary ,pregnenolone akan di tukar ken kepada hormon lain yang di perlukan tubuh .ia berlaku di dalam mitokkondria sel dan melibatkan enzim cytokrom p45o.
Sebagai satu hormon yang banyak di dalam otak kita,tigas tugas nya jelas berlaku dalam otak kita di mana ia terlibat secara langsung dalam baik pulih sistem saraf .dan peningkatan aktiviti neuron otak.
Besar kemungkinan kekurangan hormon ini pada usia tua menjejaskan fungsi kognitif dan lain lain tindakan hipocampus. kajian membuktikan hormon ini banyak di dalam tubuh kita sewaktu muda dan peningkatan usia menjadikan ia kurang.
pregnenolone ialah satu hormon yang besar kesan nya katas manusia kerana ia boleh berubah menjadi hormon lain iaitu dhea,progesterone,testosterone dan estrogen,dengan kata lain kean pengambilan nya turut meningkatkat hormon yang lain juga.
mereka yang mengambil hormoin ini merasa lebih bertenaga,jiwa lebih tenang,kurang tekanan emosi,mata lebih terang,kulit lebih tegang dan cantik.justeru itu tidak dapat di nafikan ia memberi kesan yang baik kepada kesihatan.
hormon ini di proses dari sejenis keladi liar yang terdapat di afrika.diosgenin iaitu sejenis bahan dalam keladi liar di proses menjadi pregnenolone dalam makmal.
oleh kerana hormon merupakan satu bahan aktif dan memberi kesan kepada tubuh badan,cara pengambilan nya dan jumlah yang harus di ambil mestilah di tentukan oleh doktor yang merawat seseorang,pengambilan yang membuta tuli pasti nya akan mendatangkan kesan yang buruk kerana kesilapan sering berlaku pada jumlah yang di ambil.sekiranya anda memerlukan peningkatan daya ingatan,dan ingin mengatasi simptom stress ,dan sebagainya maka minta laha nasihat doktor terlebih dahulu.